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Exercises That Sculpt Strong Legs

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Squat Matrix
Begin in a squat position, keeping weight in the heels. Sit hips all the way back, then come all the way back up to stand. Step right leg forward into a lunge. Come back to center, then take that same leg back into a reverse lunge. Keeping core tight, come to center to perform a squat, then repeat the same front and reverse lunge. Perform ten times, then ten times on the left side.
Plyo Box Jacks
Standing on a sturdy box, jump feet out onto mat, then jump back up onto the box, being sure to stay on the balls of the feet every time. Perform 10 jacks as quickly as you can.
Split Jump/Drop Squat Series
Jump right leg forward, coming down into a lunge, then jump into a squat. Next, jump your left leg forward, then jump into a squat. Continue to alternate for 10 reps.
Lateral Lunge to Power Skip
Step out onto right leg as you come into a lunge, then come back to center as you drive your right knee up with as much power as possible. Perform 10 times, then switch sides.
180-Degree Medicine Ball Squat Jump
Using a six- to eight-pound medicine ball, squat down and reach the medicine ball to the ground. Then jump all the way up, lifting the medicine ball overhead. Jump and rotate 180 degrees and repeat. Perform 10 reps.
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